The Beauty of Polished Concrete - Boise Idaho Diamond Concrete Polishing

The Beauty of Polished Concrete

The beauty of polished concrete is that it is a low maintenance extremely durable sustainable flooring.


A huge benefit to big box stores and schools is the ability to use their cleaning staff during daylight hours. A polished concrete floor can be cleaned during the day using an auto scrubber with just water or a mild neutral cleaner. This cleans, vacuums and drys the floor all in one step saving manpower, which translates into saving time, labor and energy. You do not have to keep a janitorial staff in the building to light heat and/or cool during non-business hours.


Done correctly, polished concrete stands up to foot traffic extremely well.


Benefits to Home Owners

  • Low Maintenance
  • Durable
  • Non-allergetic (won't trap allergens)
  • No off-gassing odors
  • Eliminate Dust