CPC Polished Concrete Standards

CPC Polished Concrete Standards

There are many “Polishing” contractors who will want to tell you there are no industry standards for Polished Concrete. That’s because not only are many not aware of the CPC (Concrete Polishing Council), they are not interested in Standards.

Adhering to Industry Standards does not play into most, “low bidders” mentality. You see, there is just no way to get by the oldest rule in the Contracting world, “you get what you pay for.” There is no way these “low ballers” can possibly deliver a polished concrete floor that has the durability, and long term performance of floors that have been crafted to industry standards. The only way they can make any money is to bid low, skip steps, and get out quickly. If you think otherwise, I'm sorry to have to be the one to inform you of this, but these are the hard cold facts.

The CPC is an organization of Independent Polishing Contractors who recognize the importance of industry standards. By adhering to these standards, they automatically elevate themselves from pretenders and those who don’t want to promote TRUE mechanically polished concrete.

By using a CPC accredited Craftsman or Master Craftsman, you are teaming up with crafts people  who have a passion for polishing concrete, taking the time to highly refine the concrete, ensuring the highest durability, and long term performance, no matter the grade of finish you choose.

Many polishing contractors have extremely high turnover, because this is a hard craft to learn, and so they have new,  green untrained personnel attempting to put out a “shiny” floor. I have personally seen jobs where the boss, leaves the new crew to fend for themselves and figure it out on their own. But, look around, their floors don’t lie. Look at most jobs here in the valley and you will see unpolished rough edges, dull scratched floors, no clarity, and little reflection.

Craig Walton, Diamond Concrete Polishing
CPC Master Craftsman Level