Welcome to Diamond Concrete Polishing
located in Boise, Idaho
Phone: (208) 866-6736
Email: craig@dcpolish.com
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Catch the Wave - Eco-Friendly Sustainable Decorative Concrete Flooring.
Recycle old flooring - by removing old tile or carpeting from an existing concrete floor, and polishing it rather than covering it, you will be working toward a L.E.E.D. certified project. (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Contact Craig Walton, President of Diamond Concrete Polishing and LEED Accredited Professional to discuss how concrete polishing will make your residential or commercial building project sustainable, with less impact on the environment. As a Contractor and Builder Member of the USGBC (US Green Buidling Council) Craig has the expertise to transform concrete, one of the oldest building materials, into one of the newest, greenest, and most affordable flooring alternatives available.
Polished Concrete Floors - Inspired by Nature
Have you noticed how calming and inspirational it is to surround your senses in a natural setting? Fresh air, natural sun light, toes touching pebbles gently smoothed and polished by the forces of nature, wind, waves and sand?
Imagine your home or business evoking these same sensations, clean air, enhanced natural lighting smooth stones, sand and aggregates polished in a way inspired by nature, by abrading the concrete surface with diamonds, natures hardest element, the natural beauty elegance and nature of the concrete floor can be revealed.
Now your naturally polished concrete floor can help create an environment that lends itself to inspiration, free from the toxic environment of chemicals in waxes, varnishes, and out gassing carpeting or coatings. Your concrete floor is free to breathe.
This true, naturally polished concrete floor is also sustainable, made from the natural local aggregates vastly reducing the carbon footprint required by trucking in petroleum based coatings, carpets and floorings.
High Quality Concrete Refinishing
"The bitterness of low quality remains long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten."
Contact Diamond Concrete Polishing in Boise, Idaho
Give us a call for your next decorative concrete project. Connect with @IShineConcrete on twitter, stay updated with timely messages from Diamond Concrete Polishing Consultant, Craig Walton, regarding eco-friendly sustainable decorative concrete applications: polish, stain, overlay, resurface & beautify existing concrete.
Contact Us
Phone: (208) 866-6736
Email: craig@dcpolish.com
Craig Walton
Diamond Concrete Polishing
6184 S. Basalt Trail Place
Boise Idaho 83716
Have Shine Will Travel with Eco-friendly Decorative Concrete Applications